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Student flying a small drone robot

Gifted and Talented

Gifted Student's Bill of Right

Students have a right...

  • to know about your giftedness
  • to learn something new every day
  • to be passionate about your talent area without apologies
  • to have an identity beyond your talent area
  • to feel good about your accomplishments
  • to make mistakes
  • to seek guidance in the development of your talent
  • to have multiple peer groups and a variety of friends
  • to choose which of your talent area you wish to pursue
  • not to be gifted at everything.

---Del Siegle 2007-2009 NAGC President

Holmes has a strong GT student population of gifted students in a variety of areas and class diversification makes students successful in their giftedness. Classes meet their level, from grade level to accelerated.

As the Gifted Resource Teacher, I work with student, parent and teacher nominations to review students and test for their talent.

Students can look at talent in academics and their more artistic side when coming forward for identification consideration. Holmes has a multitude of Exploratory classes and Extracurricular clubs and Sports to help build abilities as well as community.

Collectively, teachers work earnestly to challenge all students to grow to their potential and beyond.

Picture of Karen Kelling
    Karen Kelling