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Volunteer Opportunities

30 minutes: Be a Virtual Reader. Record yourself reading the first chapter of a high-interest young adult novel for "First Chapter Friday". Contact Kristin Abernethy.

Fridays, 11:00-12:40: (Can work one Friday a month or as many as four, or donate) Donate reward/prize items or work our Hawk Shop during lunches to provide students with an opportunity to buy prizes with their SOAR Bucks (Behavioral Rewards). You will setup the shop, sell merchandise and close down the shop at the end of 8th grade lunch. All items are in a rolling closet, making it easy to set up and close down. Contact Annette Brown.

2 hours weekly: Assist with campus improvements or maintenance at Holmes with various work on indoor/outdoor projects and tasks. Please contact Jim Morey for details.

Varied minutes: Stay involved in PTA by organizing or working a PTA event. Contact Kate Herdejurgen for more information. Click this link for more information.

Varied minutes: Help with 6th grade incentives in-person or by donating items or by planning/preparing in advance. Contact Emily Farraher.