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SAC Bylaws


Holmes Middle School Colorado Springs, Public School District No. 11


Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the School Accountability Committee of Holmes Middle School, Colorado Springs Public School, District No. 11.


Section 2: The purpose of the Building Advisory Accountability Committee is to concern itself with the improvement of education and achievement for all students at Holmes Middle School. To facilitate this purpose, this committee will participate in an ongoing process, which includes:

a. adopt bylaws consistent with the organizational guidelines

b. assess the educational needs of the school community; its students, staff, community, especially as these needs impact the ability of students to achieve in school

c. assist in the development and monitoring of the implementation of the USIP

d. monitor and evaluate the progress and results of the school improvement plan

e. report student educational performance to the school community

f. make recommendations to the principal regarding the prioritization of expenditures of school monies

g. review safety and security issues related to the school environment

ARTICLE III Membership

Section 1: The School Accountability Committee shall consist of parents, school staff, students, and non-parents from the Holmes Middle School attendance area.

Section 2: Reasonable effort shall be made to ensure the membership of the School Accountability committee will be representative of the gender and ethnic makeup of the Holmes student body.

Section 3: The membership encourages terms of two (2) years but will accept terms of one school year. The membership year will be from July 1 to June 30. 

Section 4: A voting member will be established by a membership approval at the January meeting.

a) Individuals seeking to be voting members are expected to attend a minimum of 3 regularly scheduled meetings prior to election as a voting member.

b) Pursuant to the conditions of voting membership, it is recognized that parents of sixth grade students may be underrepresented in SAC vote casting until the January meeting. In the event of a specific issue that requires equal input from these stakeholders, the chairperson may waive the requirements for voting participation on a per case basis.

c) Regular attendance of voting members is expected. Excessive unexcused absences may result in loss of voting privileges.

Section 5: Any activities by a member that is a significant violation of District and/or Board of Education policies will be grounds for a motion for removal from the committee and replaced with someone of like relationship to Holmes Middle School, subject to approval of a majority of committee members present.

ARTICLE IV Officers, Term, and Duties

Section 1: The office of chairperson or co-chairpersons (as determined by the membership) shall be elected by the School Accountability Committee membership present at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the membership year.

Section 2: A vice-chairperson and secretary may be elected by the membership or appointed by the chairperson.

Section 3: The term of officer will be one year (July 1 to June 30). Consecutive years are encouraged. This term may be extended into the next membership year if approved by a majority of committee members present at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the membership year.

Section 4: The chairperson shall preside at all meetings, appoint subcommittees as needed, and in general, conduct the business of the group.

Section 5: The vice-chairperson shall serve in the absence of the chairperson(s).

Section 6: The secretary shall take the minutes of the meeting, record attendance, and provide a written copy for the records and for each member and serve in the absence of the chairperson(s) and the vice-chairperson.

Committee members may rotate in the taking of minutes (either by appointment or volunteering) for submission to the secretary who will then provide a copy for the records and for each member.

Section 7: Replacement for officer vacated during a regular term will be nominated by any member and approved by a majority of committee members present.

ARTICLE V Subcommittees

Section 1: Subcommittees shall be formed as deemed necessary by the chairperson.

Section 2: Members of the subcommittees will be members of the School Accountability Committee.

Section 3: Subcommittee membership and work plans will be approved by the School Accountability Committee.

Section 4: Recommendations and actions for the subcommittees shall be reviewed and approved by the School Accountability Committee.


Section 1: All School Accountability Committee meetings shall be open to the public.

Section 2: Meetings will be held monthly, or more or less frequently, as needed with a minimum of nine (9) meetings.

Section 3: A schedule of the meetings will be set up by the committee and advertised to the public.

Section 4: Special meetings may be called by the chairperson/principal or by four (4) members of the committee. At least seven (7) days prior notice for special meetings will be given to the School Accountability Committee.

Section 5: The members present, proper notice having been given, shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VII Amendments

Section 1: The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the committee membership at any regular meeting following prior written notice of at least seven days Holmes SAC Bylaws revised September 23, 2013 4 to all members. All amendments to the bylaws must be consistent with the guidelines adopted by the Board of Education.

ARTICLE VIII Rules of Order

Section 1: The current edition of the Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority. This rule of order may be suspended after the approval of the majority present for a less formal structure.